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Tuesday, June 28, 2011
2011 NUEDC Finalists Featured in Suara Merdeka article
Bakrie University,
Indonesian debate scene,
Monday, June 27, 2011
2011 NUEDC Team and Speaker Standings
Due to a glitch in the inputting of speaker scores, the initial list of Best Speakers at the 2011 National Universities English Debate Championships had to be revised 36 hours after the awards were given out. John Rendy Darmawidjaja, who headed the 2011 NUEDC Tabulation Team, has apologised for this oversight.
The Ten Best Speakers of the 2011 NUEDC based on the revised list are:
01. Vincentius Dito Krista Holanda (ITB) (569)
02. Adlini Ilma Ghaisany (UI) (567)
03. Roderick Sibarani (UI) (565)
04. Rifan Ibnu Rahman (ITB) (562)
05. Astrio Feligent Tjong (BINUS INTERNATIONAL) (558)
06. Christian Leonardo Harlianto (BINUS INTERNATIONAL) (557)
07. Mayang Puspita Bastian (UnPad) (553)
08. Rendi Prahara Septiawedi (UnPad) (550)
09. Astri Agustina (UGM) (549)
10. Ammar Syah Anwar (Bakrie) (548)
The remaining speaker standings can be viewed here.
The Top 10 Teams at the end of the Preliminary Rounds were:
01. Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), 20 VPs, 1131 Speaker Points
02. BINUS INTERNATIONAL (BI), 17 VPs, 1115 Speaker Points
03. Universitas Indonesia (UI), 16 VPs, 1132 Speaker Points
04. Universitas Padjajaran (UnPad), 16 VPs, 1103 Speaker Points
05. Universitas Bakrie (Bakrie), 15 VPs, 1094 Speaker Points
06. Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya (ATma Jaya Jakarta), 15 VPs, 1047 Speaker Points
07. Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), 15 VPs, 1045 Speaker Points
08. STBA Teknokrat Bandang Lampung (STBA TBL), 15 VPs, 1032 Speaker Points
09. Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), 14 VPs, 1089 Speaker Points
10. Universitas Brawijaya (UniBraw), 14 VPs, 1062 Speaker Points.
The remaining team standings can be viewed here.
Congratulations to all the teams and best speakers!
A round of thanks to John Rendy Darmawidjaja and Krishna Nugraha for the timely adjustment of the post-tournament reports.
Till next year's NUEDC!
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Besting 95 other British Parliamentary teams, spanning all of Indonesia's 12 regions, the pair of Astrio Feligent Tjong and Christian Leonardo Harlianto from BINUS INTERNATIONAL, brought home the trophy at the Grand Final of the 2011 National Universities English Debate Championships.
The team from BIPEDS bested teams from Institut Teknologi Bandung (Vicentius Dito Krista Holanda, Rifan Ibnu Rahman), Universitas Indonesia (Adlini Ilma Ghaisany, Roderick Sibarani), and Universitas Bakrie (Ammar Syah Anwar, Raden Aryo Febrian) who were ranked 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively in the grand final.
![]() |
Astrio Feligent Tjong and Christian Leonardo Harlianto from BINUS INTERNATIONAL took home top honours at this year's National Universities English Debating Championships. |
The motion for the grand final was THBT the ICC should have its own force to abduct heinous perpetrators of international crimes who refuse to answer the summonses of the Court.
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Friday, June 24, 2011
2011 NUEDC - Recap of Preliminary Round Motions
As the Octofinal round of this year's 2011 National Universities English Debate Competition begins (with the motion In cases of emergency, THW justify channeling aid and donations through groups linked with terrorism), debateIndonesia provides a review of all the motions deployed for the preliminary round:
Round 1 - THW abolish all forms of affirmative action.
Round 2 - THW open state-funded brothels in military bases.
Round 3 - THW not allow oil companies to have patents on green technology.
Round 4 - THW require parents seeking divorce to get their children's consent.
Round 5 - THBT GDP should not be a good measure of a nation's standard of living.
Round 6 - THBT the UN should not allow the prosecution of LBGT Q by its member countries.
Round 7 - THBT governments should ban their citizens' departure for religious pilgrimage in times of major epidemics.
There were 7 matches for the preliminary round - a change from the initial 5 rounds indicated in the official DIKTI (Directorate General for Higher Education) invitation.
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2011 NUEDC Break Announcement
HOT OFF THE PRESS. Here's the official list of breaking adjudicators, novice teams and main break teams at this year's 2011 National Universities English Debate Championships:
Institut Teknologi Bandung (Wilayah 04)
Universitas Indonesia (Wilayah 03)
Universitas Padjadjaran (Wilayah 04)
Bakrie University (Wilayah 03)
Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya Jakarta (Wilayah 03)
Universitas Gadjah Mada (Wilayah 05)
Universitas Brawijaya (Wilayah 07)
Universitas Hasanuddin (Wilayah 09)
Universitas Parahyangan (Wilayah 04)
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang (Wilayah 09)
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (Wilayah 05)
Universitas Negeri Semarang (Wilayah 06)
Universitas Udayana (Wilayah 08)
Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (Wilayah 05)
Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (Wilayah 05)
Univesitas Ahmad Dahlan (Wilayah 05)
IM Telkom (Wilayah 04)
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga (Wilayah 06)
Universitas Negeri Malang (Wilayah 07)
Universitas Diponegoro (Wilayah 06)
Universitas Tanjungpura (Wilayah 11)
Universitas Sultan Agung Semarang (Wilayah 06)
Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret (Wilayah 06)
Universitas Syiah Kuala (Wilayah 01)
Universitas Riau (Wilayah 10)
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Wilayah 08)
Universitas Widya Kartika Surabaya (Wilayah 07)
Universitas Trunojoyo (Wilayah 07)
Universitas Palangka Raya (Wilayah 11)
Universitas Sumatera Utara (Wilayah 01)
Universitas Nusa Cendana (Wilayah 08)
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Wilayah 06)
STBA Teknokrat Bandar Lampung (Wilayah 02)
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (Wilayah 11)
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (Wilayah 05)
Universitas Mulawarman (Wilayah 11)
IT Telkom (Wilayah 04)
Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya (Wilayah 02)
Universitas Negeri Padang (Wilayah 11)
Universitas Lampung (Wilayah 02)
Universitas Negeri Jakarta (Wilayah 03)
Politeknik Negeri Malang (Wilayah 07)
Universitas Negeri Medan (Wilayah 01)
Universitas Mataram (Wilayah 08)
Universitas Sriwijaya (Wilayah 02)
UPN Yogyakarta (Wilayah 04)
Univ Indraprasta PGRI (Wilayah 03)
Universitas Bunda Mulia (Wilayah 03)
BREAKING ADJES (alphabetical order)
Ahdiat, Akbar, Astari, Biondi, Bobby, Bryan, Buna, Davin Susanto, Dwita, Edward Sutanto, Efran, Eldhi,
Fiski, Griya, Ika, Karina, Kirana, Mia, Mutiara, Nadya Sstriningrum, Naufal, Pandu, Pido, Prima, Puspita,
Raj, Reggie, Rimba, Rosmi, Salam, Satrio, Steven, Teddy, Tyas, Uphie, Vicario, Vitri, and Yudhi.
Congratulations to all breaking teams and adjudicators!
Thanks to Raj Sangtani for the live update!
Thanks to Raj Sangtani for the live update!
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Atma Jaya,
Bakrie University,
Indonesian debate scene,
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
2011 NUEDC Rounds start today
Ninety-five teams from Indonesia's 12 regions have gathered at the campus grounds of Universitas Diponegoro since yesterday for the national rounds of the third National Universities English Debate Championships (2011 NUEDC). The 2011 NUEDC is sponsored by DIKTI Indonesia (Directorate General for Higher Education), a government branch attached to Indonesia's Ministry of Education.
The participants who made it to the 2011 NUEDC National Rounds were selected after regional selections were conducted. The top 8 emerging teams from each region proceeded to the national rounds.
The complete list of participating universities is as follows:
Region 1/Wilayah 1
Universitas Sumatera Utara
Universitas Syiah Kuala
Universitas Muhammadiah Sumatera Utara
STMIK Mikrosil Medan
Politeknik Negeri Medan
Universitas Negeri Medan
ASM Cendana Medan
Region 2/Wilayah 2
Universitas Sriwijaya
STBA Teknokrat Bandar Lampung
Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya
Universitas Bina Darma Palembang
Universitas Bangka Belitung
Universitas Batujara
Universitas Lampung
STMIK Teknokrat Bandar Lampung
Region 3/Wilayah 3
Universitas Indonesia
Universitas Bakrie
Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya
Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Institut Pertanian Bogor
Universitas Bunda Mulia
Universitas Indrapasta PGRI
Region 4/Wilayah 4
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Universitas Padjadjaran
Institut Teknologi Telkom
Institut Manajemen Telkom
Universitas Majalengka
Politeknik Manifaktur Negeri Bandung
Universitas Katolik Parahyangan
Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendikdikan Garut
Region 5/Wilayah 5
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Universitas Atma Jaya Yogjakarta
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta
UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Region 6/Wilayah 6
Universitas Diponegoro Semarang
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret
Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang
Politeknik Negeri Semarang
Region 7/Wilayah 7
Politeknik Negeri Malang
Universitas Brawijaya
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Universitas Negeri Malang
Universitas Widya Kartika Surabaya
Universitas Trunojoyo
Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum Jombang
Region 8/Wilayah 8
Universitas Udayana
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIKES Bali)
Universitas Mataram
Politeknik Negeri Bali
Universitas Pendikdikan Ganesha
Universitas Nusa Cendana
IKIP Maram
Sekolah Tinggi Parawisata Bali
Region 9/Wilayah 9
Universitas Hasanuddin
Universitas Sam Ratulangi
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Padang
Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar
Universitas Fajar Makassar
Universitas Negeri Manado
Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare
Region 10/Wilayah 10
Politeknik Caltex
Universitas Riau
Universitas Negeri Padang
STBA Prayoga Padang
Universitas Bung Hatta Padang
Universitas Lancang Kuning
Politeknik Negeri Padang
Universitas Andalas
Region 11/Wilayah 11
Universitas Mulawarman
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Universitas Tanjungpura
Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
STIKES Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin
Universitas Islam Kalimantan (UNISKA Banjarmasin)
Universitas Palangka Raya
Universitas Trunajaya UNIJAYA Bontang
Region 12/Wilayah 12
Universitas Pattimura
Universitas Musamus Merauke
Politeknik Saint Paul Sorong
Universitas Khairun Ternate
Universitas Kristen Indonesia Maluku Ambon
Universitas Al-Amin Sorong
Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara
Universitas Yapis Jayapura
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Monday, June 20, 2011
2011 BIND commences Payment Phase
In an email posted this morning in various debate fora, the 2011 BIND Registration Committee informed registered participants that they may commence wiring/transferring their registration fees starting tomorrow, 21st June 2011.
For ease of reference, the message has been reposted in its entirety below:
Dear Participants,
On behalf of the Registration Committee, we would like to thank all participants for completing the first phase of registration for the 2011 BIND. This email contains several reminders, which we request you to pay close attention to, to avoid forfeiting any of the slots which your respective institutions have secured thus far.
A. Payment of Registration Fees
Step 1.
Beginning 21st June 2011, you may begin wiring/transferring the registration fee of RP. 450.000 or an equivalent of USD$ 55 per person (this excludes bank charges and other fees the bank may levy) to the bank account below:
Name: Invi Atmanegara
Account number: 2617730789
Swift code: cenaidja
Bank Name: BCA kcu Suryopranoto
Bank Address: Jl. Suryopranoto 40, Jakarta
Prior to sending the registration fee, kindly confirm with the bank staff that, net of all fees levied & factoring in currency fluctuations, we will receive the equivalent of Rp450.000 per person. Doing so will avoid us collecting the difference from your respective delegations come tournament time. Additionally, the wire transfer/bank transfer note should indicate the institution and the number of teams sending in the payment.
Step 2.
After the fees are wired/transferred, a team representative should send proof of payment to BIND.regist@gmail. com. This must reach us before 2359 WIB (GMT+7), 20 July 2011.
If a team fails to pay the registration fees and send us proof of payment by the deadline, we will forfeit the slots allocated to that team, and will start promoting teams from the waiting list.
Teams on the waiting list are requested not to send their registration payments at this point and await further instructions from the Registration Committee at the end of the Second Phase (Payment).
B. Booking Accommodations
Since the registration fees do not include accommodations, each institution should commence booking accommodations to avoid running out of rooms. Alternatively, you can send email to BIND.Regist@gmail. com if you want our Accommodations Committee to assist you in making the bookings.
C. Non-subsidised Independent Adjudicators
After close coordination with our Logistics Committee, we are pleased to announce that 10 slots have been allocated to individuals who wish to participate as non-subsidised independent adjudicators. (For a definition of what comprises a non-subsidised adjudicator, please go to the 'UPDATES' page of our website)
We have received a number of requests from individuals who wish to serve as non-subsidised independent adjudicators, and we have commenced the vetting process to verify whether they meet our criteria.
Once the vetting process is concluded, we shall come up with a list of non-subsidised independent adjudicators on 25th June 2011 and get in touch with the individuals concerned through email. After receiving the email, all non-subsidised independent adjudicators may proceed with paying the registration fee. Those who wish, at this point in time, to register as non-subsidised independent adjudicators are requested to wait for our announcement on 25th June 2011, to see if more slots have been freed up by that time.
That's all from us for now! Should you have any query regarding the tournament, feel free to get in touch with us.
Thank you very much for your attention and looking forward in seeing you in Jakarta this September!
Kind regards
Jaran Walia
2011 BIND Registration Committee
On behalf of the Registration Committee, we would like to thank all participants for completing the first phase of registration for the 2011 BIND. This email contains several reminders, which we request you to pay close attention to, to avoid forfeiting any of the slots which your respective institutions have secured thus far.
A. Payment of Registration Fees
Step 1.
Beginning 21st June 2011, you may begin wiring/transferring the registration fee of RP. 450.000 or an equivalent of USD$ 55 per person (this excludes bank charges and other fees the bank may levy) to the bank account below:
Name: Invi Atmanegara
Account number: 2617730789
Swift code: cenaidja
Bank Name: BCA kcu Suryopranoto
Bank Address: Jl. Suryopranoto 40, Jakarta
Step 2.
After the fees are wired/transferred, a team representative should send proof of payment to BIND.regist@gmail. com. This must reach us before 2359 WIB (GMT+7), 20 July 2011.
If a team fails to pay the registration fees and send us proof of payment by the deadline, we will forfeit the slots allocated to that team, and will start promoting teams from the waiting list.
Teams on the waiting list are requested not to send their registration payments at this point and await further instructions from the Registration Committee at the end of the Second Phase (Payment).
B. Booking Accommodations
Since the registration fees do not include accommodations, each institution should commence booking accommodations to avoid running out of rooms. Alternatively, you can send email to BIND.Regist@gmail. com if you want our Accommodations Committee to assist you in making the bookings.
C. Non-subsidised Independent Adjudicators
After close coordination with our Logistics Committee, we are pleased to announce that 10 slots have been allocated to individuals who wish to participate as non-subsidised independent adjudicators. (For a definition of what comprises a non-subsidised adjudicator, please go to the 'UPDATES' page of our website)
We have received a number of requests from individuals who wish to serve as non-subsidised independent adjudicators, and we have commenced the vetting process to verify whether they meet our criteria.
Once the vetting process is concluded, we shall come up with a list of non-subsidised independent adjudicators on 25th June 2011 and get in touch with the individuals concerned through email. After receiving the email, all non-subsidised independent adjudicators may proceed with paying the registration fee. Those who wish, at this point in time, to register as non-subsidised independent adjudicators are requested to wait for our announcement on 25th June 2011, to see if more slots have been freed up by that time.
That's all from us for now! Should you have any query regarding the tournament, feel free to get in touch with us.
Thank you very much for your attention and looking forward in seeing you in Jakarta this September!
Kind regards
Jaran Walia
2011 BIND Registration Committee
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British Parliamentary,
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
High School Debate updates
Labschool International Students Association and Labschool Debating Corps have joined forces to host this year's Labs Interval (Labschool International Festival). The annual festival will feature the following competitions: (i) debate, (ii) spelling bee, and (iii) essay writing. It will also have a cultural presentation.
Motions for the debate competition have been released, and these are:
M01: Indonesia - THBT World Bank should replace Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)
in combating corruption in Indonesia.
M02: USA - THBT the US government should cease all male pregnancy experiments.
M03: European Union - THBT the European Union should grant membership to Turkey
M04: Asia - THBT WTO should sanction China for their cessation on rare metal exports
M05: The Americas - THBT Manuel Zelaya should return home to Honduras
M06: Africa - THBT African governments should prosecute indigenous communities which glorify religious cults that degrade human rights.
M07: Oceania - THW pass the bill of Australia’s financial plan on the Aborigines
M08: Antartica - Regardless of feasibility issues, THBT UN should acknowledge Antarctica as a sovereign territory.
M09: Great Britain - THW abolish the royal monarchy
M10: Middle East - TH prefers civil prosecution to international prosecution of past dictators
The tournament will commence on 10th June 2011 and will run till the 13th of June. Registration can be done online. Walk-in participants are also welcome. On-the-spot registration will be available on June 10, until 1200 hrs.
2. STAN English Club, Ministry of Health mark the ASEAN Dengue Day and hold HIV/AIDS Awareness Debate Competition
The Sekolah Tinggi Akutansi Negara (STAN) English Club together with the Ministry Health and assisted by the Ministry of Education recently hosted a by-invitation-only high school debate with 2 teams selected by the Ministry of Education from each of Jakarta's 10 regions. The competition was held on June 4-5, 2011.
There were 5 preliminary rounds, with elimination rounds immediately proceeding to the semis.
Participating in this event were teams from the following high schools:
1. SMAN 81
2. SMAN 28
3. SMAN 78
4. SMAK 1 Penabur
5. SMAN 77
6. SMAN 48
7. SMAN 68
8. SMA Tarakanita 2
9. SMAN 8
10. SMAN 80
The motions were:
M 01 - THBT sex education should be made compulsory in school
M 02 - TH opposes fogging
M 03 - TH supports the installment of condom vending machines in public places
M 04 - THW abolish the "burying-can" part from 3Ms campaign
M 05 - THBT making HIV test a requirement to apply for a job brings more good than harm.
The four teams which made it to the semifinal rounds were: SMAK 1 Penabur, SMAN 78, SMAN 28 and SMAN 81. For the semifinal, the four teams debated the motion: THW Introduce condoms as a (method of) contraception in religious schools.
SMAN 28 and SMAN 81 made it to the grand final where they debated the motion: THW localize prostitution to supervise the spread of HIV/AIDS, while SMAK1 Penabur and SMAN 78 debated for third place on the motion: THW (impose) sanctions on families whose houses have wrigglers.
The winners were: SMAN 81 (First Place), SMAN 28 (Second Place), and SMAK 1 Penabur (Third Place).
Ramadhani Ardiansyah and Abdurrahman Alfarizi were co-Chief Adjudicators for the event, while Isti Hanifah took care of the tabs room, and Andi Rahmat Taufiq handled the logistical matters of the tournament.
Thanks to Christian Leonardo for the Labs Interval updates; Ramadhani Ardiansyah and Teddy Triatmojo for the Dengue Day & HIV/AIDS Debates updates.
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AIDS debate,
Indonesian debate scene,
Labschool Ramawangun,
Monday, June 6, 2011
2012 DLSU Worlds - Promoted Universities, PAL discounts
The 2012 Manila Worlds Organising Committee recently released two batches of universities which have earned slots to participate at the Worlds to be held in late December 2011 -early January 2012.
Promoted universities have until June 27, 2011 to wire their registration fees.
The 2012 Manila Worlds organisers have also announced that special discounts can be availed of if one travels to Manila via Philippine Airlines (PAL), the national airline carrier of the Philippines. The points of origin identified to have special discounted rates are: (i) United States - Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, (ii) Australia - Melbourne, Sydney, (iii) Canada - Vancouver, (iv) Taiwan - Taipei, (v) Thailand - Bangkok, (vi) India - Delhi, (vii) China - Hong Kong, Macau, Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen, (viii) - Singapore, (ix) Indonesia - Jakarta, and (x) Japan - Fukuoka, Nagoya, Osaka, Tokyo.
Here is the list of promoted universities:
A. Promoted on 31st May 2011
Tianjin Foreign Studies University
Bogazici University
Tokyo Metropolitan University
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
Mindanao State University - Marawi
International Islamic College
University of Gadjah Mada
Kobe University
Boston University
Botswana Accountancy College
University of Potsdam
Middle East Technical University (METU)
Independent University, Bangladesh
Asian University for Women
University of the Philippines Los Baños
Texas State University - San Marcos
BRAC University
Carnegie Mellon University
Singidunum University
Swinburne University of Technology (Sarawak Campus)
Cambridge Union Society
Yokohama City University
RMIT University
Tokyo Womans' Christian University
Universiti Sains Malaysia
University of Waterloo
San Beda College of Law
Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti
Tsuda College
University of Hawaii
Texas A&M University at Qatar
Loyola Marymount University
Rhine Wall University
University of New Brunswick
New York University
Bogazici University
Tokyo Metropolitan University
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
Mindanao State University - Marawi
International Islamic College
University of Gadjah Mada
Kobe University
Boston University
Botswana Accountancy College
University of Potsdam
Middle East Technical University (METU)
Independent University, Bangladesh
Asian University for Women
University of the Philippines Los Baños
Texas State University - San Marcos
BRAC University
Carnegie Mellon University
Singidunum University
Swinburne University of Technology (Sarawak Campus)
Cambridge Union Society
Yokohama City University
RMIT University
Tokyo Womans' Christian University
Universiti Sains Malaysia
University of Waterloo
San Beda College of Law
Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti
Tsuda College
University of Hawaii
Texas A&M University at Qatar
Loyola Marymount University
Rhine Wall University
University of New Brunswick
New York University
B. Promoted on 1st June 2011
Webster University
Galatasaray University
City University of Hong Kong
Chung Ang University
HanYang Debate Society
National University of Malaysia (UKM)
The College of the North Atlantic Qatar
Shanghai International Studies University
Bogor Agricultural University
Universitas Tarumanagara
London School of Public Relations
Universitas Diponegoro
State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) Debate Society
Xavier University
Perguruan Tinggi Teknokrat Lampung
Beijing Foreign Studies University
Dikti Indonesia
Bilkent University
Belmawa Indonesia
Yogyakarta State University
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Universite Lyon
Government College University Lahore (GCU lahore)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lahore School of Economics
Tel-Aviv University
The University of Hong Kong
Ege Ãœniversity
Botho College Debate Union
University of Newcastle
University of Technology Sydney
Bar Ilan University
Kyushu University
Tsinghua University
Seattle University
Portland State University
Cornell University
Underwood Union (Yonsei University)
ITESM Campus Estado de Mexico
United States Air Force Academy
Universidad Anahuac Mexico Norte
Limkokwing University of Creative Technology (Lesotho)
Universidad Iberoamericana
Machabeng College
UP Visayas Tacloban College
The College of New Jersey
University of California, Davis
Duke University
State Polytechnic of Malang
National Law Institute University
IDC Herzliya
Universitas Pelita Harapan
Eastern University, Bangladesh
London College of Legal Studies (South)
Yeditepe University
Hong Kong Baptist University
University Of Chittagong
University of the Punjab
Weill-Cornell Medical College Qatar
SciencesPo Paris
Universitas Negeri Padang
Galatasaray University
City University of Hong Kong
Chung Ang University
HanYang Debate Society
National University of Malaysia (UKM)
The College of the North Atlantic Qatar
Shanghai International Studies University
Bogor Agricultural University
Universitas Tarumanagara
London School of Public Relations
Universitas Diponegoro
State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) Debate Society
Xavier University
Perguruan Tinggi Teknokrat Lampung
Beijing Foreign Studies University
Dikti Indonesia
Bilkent University
Belmawa Indonesia
Yogyakarta State University
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Universite Lyon
Government College University Lahore (GCU lahore)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lahore School of Economics
Tel-Aviv University
The University of Hong Kong
Ege Ãœniversity
Botho College Debate Union
University of Newcastle
University of Technology Sydney
Bar Ilan University
Kyushu University
Tsinghua University
Seattle University
Portland State University
Cornell University
Underwood Union (Yonsei University)
ITESM Campus Estado de Mexico
United States Air Force Academy
Universidad Anahuac Mexico Norte
Limkokwing University of Creative Technology (Lesotho)
Universidad Iberoamericana
Machabeng College
UP Visayas Tacloban College
The College of New Jersey
University of California, Davis
Duke University
State Polytechnic of Malang
National Law Institute University
IDC Herzliya
Universitas Pelita Harapan
Eastern University, Bangladesh
London College of Legal Studies (South)
Yeditepe University
Hong Kong Baptist University
University Of Chittagong
University of the Punjab
Weill-Cornell Medical College Qatar
SciencesPo Paris
Universitas Negeri Padang
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Write to us at editorial.board.idebate@gmail.com2011 BIND Updates - Recruitment for Subsidised Ind Adjes Extended
In a short discussion early this morning, Invi Atmanegara (2011 BIND Convener) confirmed that after further deliberation, the 2011 BIND Organising Committee has decided to accommodate requests from various institutions to extend the 15th June 2011 deadline for prospective subsidised adjudicator candidates.
She also informed debateIndonesia that the Organising Committee will post the announcement shortly in various debate fora, along with an explanation of the BIND's blind review system to be employed for the selection process, and the differentiation between subsidised independent adjudicators and non-subsidised independent adjudicators.
debateIndonesia readers can read the post below:
Hello Asia!
We’ve received requests which have (1) requested to extend the deadline for submitting CVs for subsidised independent adjudicators, (2) sought clarification re: the difference between subsidized adjudicators and independent adjudicators, and (3) asked about the selection process.
After some deliberation, the Organising Committee has decided to extend the recruitment period for subsidised independent adjudicators, to allow interested parties more time to submit their respective CVs. We understand that at present, some of you are adjusting to post-UADC life - facing final exams, or final projects, or preparing for graduation.
The new deadline is 15th July 2011, at 2359 WIB (GMT+7). All interested candidates should send their CVs to
Replies to Queries
1. What’s the difference between subsidized independent adjudicators and independent adjudicators?
The BIND Organising Committee is holding open & competitive recruitment for subsidised independent adjudicators. The need to conduct open & competitive recruitment is because successful candidates will be flown-in to Jakarta for free, waiver of registration fees, and will receive free accommodations, in exchange for their active contribution to raise the quality of adjudication at the 2011 BIND. We want to reach out to experienced adjudicators in the region to safeguard the integrity & competence of BIND’s adjudication pool.
Three slots have been allocated for subsidised independent adjudicators.
Each of the successful candidates will be a person known for his/her probity & sense of fairness, with a proven performance record at a BP tournament of a(n) national, regional or international scale as a(n) debater and/or adjudicator. Breaking experience at a BP tournament on a regional or international scale will be an advantage.
To date, we have received applications from Australia, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore.
In contrast, the phrase “Independent Adjudicators” applies to the following individuals:
Individuals who wish to participate in the workshop and adjudicate at the BIND who: (1) have graduated from their respective institutions, and (2) are currently not actively affiliated with a particular debate club or society (either as a training alumni or as a coach, assistant coach, or any position which has a duty to train teams) OR come from an institution not registered at BIND. Moreover, they are required to pay all tournament-related fees, and arrange for their own accommodations, but can avail of the special rates we have arranged with either of the 3 accommodation sites recommended in our web page.
These independent adjudicators are neither subsidised, nor are they considered N1 adjudicators. To avoid confusion, we will henceforth refer to these individuals as “non-subsidised independent adjudicators”.
In the interest of fairness, both subsidised and non-subsidised are still required to sit the adjudication accreditation exam which N1 adjudicators are required to take.
2. How will the candidates be selected?
The candidates will be screened by a Selection Committee comprised of members of the A-Core and selected members of the Organising Committee.
We strictly follow (and have been doing so since BIND's inception) a blind review system in any BIND-related assessment; i.e., the Selection Committee will not have access to the name or the school of the candidates, but will receive only the credentials of the candidates and their respective candidate numbers.
We believe this blind review system (akin to the anonymous peer review), which BIND has employed for the past years for our adjudicator accreditation exams, emphasises merit, and minimises the 'halo effect'.
Apologies for this rather long-ish message. We just wanted to sort out any points that needed clarification.
We do look forward to hearing from everyone interested to be subsidized independent adjudicators!
Invi Atmanegara
2011 BIND Convener
2011 BIPEDS Team Captain
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Asian Debate Scene,
2011 Korea Australs - AIDA President introduces AIDA to new institutions
In an email sent over the weekend, Duncan Campbell, incumbent President of the AustralAsian Intervarsity Debating Association, (AIDA) introduced new institutions and institutional representatives to the basic ins and outs of AIDA, and each institution's responsibilities. These responsibilities are discussed detail in the AIDA Constitution.
Introduction to AIDA
What is AIDA?
AIDA is the AustralAsian Intervarsity Debating Association that governs the AustralAsian Invervarsity Debating Competition.
AIDA Council consists of members of the AIDA Executive (non-voting members) and delegates of registered member institutions at the tournament. Each institution has one vote. Other people are welcome to come and participate in the discussion as observers.
What is the membership fee for 2011-2012?
Registration for July 2011 – July 2012 will be determined at the Pre-Council meeting. In the past few years, registration has been set at 50 Australian Dollars and is usually paid in AUD or currency local to the country where the tournament is held eg. South Korean Won. Each institution must affiliate to AIDA for 2011-12 to have voting rights on Council.
Who are the institutional delegates?
It is up to each debating society to determine for themselves who their representative is. Often the President of the debating society, or the External Officer of the society will represent their institution at AIDA, however, it is up to the institution to select a representative. A different delegate can attend the pre-council and council meetings if a single delegate is not available for both meetings.
Controversial issues to be discussed at council (things like Constitutional amendments) should generally have some notice to enable institutional reps to consult with their society's executives and/or members. However, this is up to your society and is not governed by AIDA!
What is the Pre-Council meeting?
The Pre-Council is the meeting held before the start of the debating rounds. At this meeting eligibility issues are determined. Institutions in breach of the n-1 or AA requirement may apply for exemptions and the penalty for a breach will be determined. Pre-Council also sets the agenda for the main council meeting.
What is the Council meeting?
The Council meeting selects the next host for Australs, considers Constitutional issues and other issues related to debating and the Australs tournament.
Are there proxies at AIDA Council meetings?
Delegates from institutions may hold a maximum of one proxy from another institution that is present at the tournament. Executive members and observers may not hold proxies. Proxies must be from registered member institutions (ie. the institution must have paid its AIDA registration fee for 2011-12). Institutions wishing to proxy should email the AIDA executive before the tournament nominating which institution they would like to hold their proxy.
Do I have to come to AIDA Council?
Yes! Every institution should send a representative to AIDA Council.
What is the Disputes Tribunal?
Any participant, Org Comm member or Executive member may request a meeting of the Disputes Tribunal to hear a complaint in relation to the Code of Conduct at an AIDA tournament.
The Tribunal is comprised of the AIDA President (or any other member of the AIDA Executive in his or her absence), the Convenor of the Championship, the Chief Adjudicator of the Championship and two other delegates randomly drawn. (Any interested person should disqualify himself or herself.)
The Tribunal must attempt to hear all parties to the complaint and give each party a reasonable opportunity to state his or her case. The tribunal should attempt to conciliate the dispute. Where this cannot be done the Tribunal should make a determination. The Tribunal may make determinations that vary from disposing of the complaint, to issuing a warning, to expelling the party complained against from the tournament. Obviously the seriousness of the determination will depend on the seriousness of the Code of Conduct breach.
Further details about the process of the Disputes Tribunal can be found in the Constitution.
Feel free to email for any questions before Australs. Otherwise, if you have any questions about AIDA during Australs 2011, please come and speak to Duncan Campbell during the tournament.---------------
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